Workshop on Understanding Reproducibility in Evolutionary Computation
July 10th-14th 2021
Call for Papers
We have the pleasure of announcing the 1st Workshop on Understanding
Reproducibility in Evolutionary Computation co-organised with
Good Benchmarking Practices for Evolutionary Computation
(Benchmarking@GECCO-2021), to be held online as part of GECCO 2021.
Experimental studies are prevalent in Evolutionary Computation (EC), and
concerns about the reproducibility and replicability of such studies has
increased in recent years, following similar discussions in other scientific
fields. In this workshop, we want to raise awareness of the reproducibility
issue, shed light on the obstacles when trying to reproduce results, and
discuss best practices in making results reproducible as well as reporting
reproducibility results.
We invite submissions of papers repeating an empirical study published in
a journal or conference proceedings, either by re-using, updating or
reimplementing the necessary codes and datasets, irrespectively of whether
this code was published in some form at the time or not.
- The original study being reproduced should not be so recent as to make
the reproduction attempt trivial. Ideally, we suggest looking at studies
that are at least 10 years old. However, one of the criteria for acceptance
is what can the GECCO community learn from the reproducibility study.
- At least one of the co-authors of the submitted paper should be one of
the co-authors of the original study. This condition makes sure that the
reproducibility attempt is a fair attempt at reproducing the original
We expect in the submitted paper:
- Documentation of the process necessary to re-run the experiments. For
example, you may have to retrieve the benchmark problems from the web,
downgrade your system or some libraries, modify your original code because
some library is nowhere to be found, reinstall a specific compiler or
interpreter, etc.
- A discussion on whether you consider your paper reproducible, and why
you think this is the case. If you ran your code with fixed random seeds
and you have recorded them, you may be able to reproduce identical results.
If you haven’t recorded the random seeds, you may need to use statistical
tests to check whether the conclusions still hold. You may even want to try
some different problem instances or parameter settings to check whether
results still hold for slightly different experimental settings.
- Sufficient details to allow an independent reproduction of your
experiment by a third party, including all necessary artifacts used in the
attempt to reproduce results (code, benchmark problems, scripts to generate
plots or do statistical analysis). Artifacts should be made publicly and
permanently available via Zenodo or other
data repository or submitted together with the paper to be archived in the
ACM Digital Library.
In the end, there may be various possible outcomes, and all are
acceptable for a paper: you are unable to run or compile the code, you are
able to run the code but it does not give you the expected results (or no
result at all), the program crashed regularly (before getting results), you
do not remember the parameter settings used, etc. All these are valid
conclusions. We care more about the description of the process, challenges
to reproduce results, and the lessons to be learned, than about whether you
have actually been able to reproduce the study.
Submission Instructions
In addition to the instructions above, authors should refer to the
Submission Instructions.
Please note that GECCO 2021 will be held as an electronic-only
conference. All accepted papers will be required to be presented in the
form of a pre-recorded talk. More details about this will be provided
Important Dates
- 11 February 2021: Submissions open
- 12 April 2021: Submissions deadline
- 26 April 2021: Acceptance decisions
- 3 May 2021: Camera-ready papers due and author registration
- July 10th-14th 2021: Online GECCO conference
- Jürgen
Branke (University of Warwick, UK)
- Carola Doerr (CNRS
researcher at Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
- Tome Eftimov (Jožef Stefan
Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Pascal Kerschke (University of
Münster, Germany)
- Manuel López-Ibáñez (University
of Málaga, Spain)
- Boris Naujoks (TH
Cologne, Germany)
- Luís Paquete
(University of Coimbra, Portugal)
- Vanessa Volz
(, Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Thomas Weise (Hefei
University, China)